From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

Growing a UX team

- [Instructor] Growing a UX team is more than just hiring people. Bigger isn't always better unless you have a plan on who you need to hire and how. Part of design ops is how you scale a UX team to let them do what they do best. Here's a list of documents you can standardize on. A set of job descriptions, make sure they align with HR and there are slots for those roles. Interview questions of who interviews and when. Onboarding, 30, 60-day checklists of what is expected and who they should meet with. Career development and growth, a set of milestones and check-ins, a central repository for all things design and tools everyone uses. While creating job descriptions, understand things like women UXers don't often apply unless they are certain they meet all the requirements in a job description. You will typically have to work with HR to get the right titles in the place as well. Interviewing should be repeatable. Decide what the process looks like, how many interviews are needed and who needs to attend. Create a matrix and perhaps a one-to-five scale and have a set of interview questions so people besides your team can help out. Onboarding can set the tone from the very beginning. Create a checklist of who they need to meet, where to find the tools they need, information about the products, flows and anything else they'll need to set up for success. Set expectations from the very beginning. While they say that people leave a company because of a bad boss, many also leave because there's no clear way to grow their careers within the organization. Training and education could go along in that same list. Don't forget to document how to do design reviews. Develop a clear set of rules of engagement on how to give and receive feedback, as well as a cadence of how often they should occur. Even if team members are working on different projects, design reviews are a way for everyone to see what everyone else is working on. How you set the team structure up should reflect the current state of UX at your organization. But also, for how you want the team to scale and grow. Plan it out, document it and share it with business and HR so it can become a reality. In our next chapter, we will concentrate on working with developers, standardizing how we work, design systems and what the UX hand-off deliverables should look like.
