From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

How we work together

- [Instructor] In 2014, Dave Malouf coined the phrase, design ops. Since then, many companies have embraced it, as both a methodology and a role. And many companies like these use it today. The Nielsen Norman Group has its own spin with how we work, how we get work done, and how our work creates impact. Seriously, it's still about people, procedures and craft that make an impact at scale. Since then each team that uses it puts its own spin on what it means for them as they should. Here, we have InVision's version. It's really about making things repeatable. We still have people, practices and platform. The business of creating procedures, templates, and files can all be done by design ops so that the design team can just get things done. Come along with me and we'll explore how you can adopt design ops for your organization.
