From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

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Research ops

Research ops

- [Instructor] ResearchOps can be its own discipline, or it can be considered a subset of DesignOps. In 2018, workshops and surveys were done, and this is the definition that they settled on. ResearchOps is the people, mechanisms and strategies that set user research in motion. It provides the roles, tools, and processes needed to support researchers in delivering and scaling the impact of the craft across the organization. It helps with participant recruiting and screening. It helps define and socialize research values, it helps onboard and educate. It helps budget for and use the most effective tools and platforms. It's about collecting and sharing insights and about the governance of consent, privacy and information storage. While that is a lot, it starts with an understanding of what user research can accomplish inside the company. Internal communications may be the most important aspect, letting stakeholders and the…
