From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

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The design process and workflows

The design process and workflows

From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

The design process and workflows

- [Instructor] The UX design process and workflows can be thought of as the meat and potatoes of DesignOps. Sure, any team can wing getting the design work done, but once that team becomes more than let's say seven or eight, that becomes unmanageable. A documented process and a clear workflow of how UX gets things done and how they work with others, is essential to the growth of the UX team. While we'll get to growing a UX team in the next video, how the team is structured, what design roles you have will impact what your individual process will look like. For example, you could be in squads of multidisciplinary teams, or you could have a centralized team with UX inside of each product offering. This is part of how DesignOps can help document what the structure should look like for your organization. You could use, what's known as the four D's of discover, design, develop and deliver. This is also part of what a double…
