From the course: UX Foundations: Information Architecture

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Standard page elements

Standard page elements

All the way through this course, I've been saying that your information architecture is more than just your navigation menus. Here's where we really demonstrate that point. In the Hansel and Petal example I've been using, a pretty strong grouping of items emerged around support tasks. Now, help and support is often displayed as the right most menu item. but more recently it's been showing up as a mini menu on the footer area on the larger and more involved sites. So there's one part of our architecture that might not be a menu item at all. Another is contact details. Corporate sites often provide a mini menu in the footer with separate links for journalists, investors, customers and job applicants. Again, this produces the number of top level menu items that are required. Obviously, for your site design, you might have a small enough number of categories, that you decide to keep this as a navigation menu item, but the option to remove it is there. The same applies to about us content…
