From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Command-line file utilities

Command-line file utilities

- [Instructor] Let's review command line and PowerShell utilities to manage our storage by creating and mapping shared folders. We're going to start by creating a share in our command line. And we can tell this is command line rather than PowerShell because it doesn't have a PS to the left of the screen. In a minute we'll be going back over to PowerShell and running similar commands using PowerShell syntax. Let's go ahead and type MD for Make Directory. And then we'll call it C:\share. So we're creating a directory, also known as a folder, and we're calling it share. Now if we type dir, hit Enter we can see the share directory's been created. Let's go ahead and clear our screen. And we'll type the next command. Now what we want to do is we want to share this new directory. We'll type net share and then the share name we'll just call it share equals C:\share which is the name of the directory. So basically we're…
