From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Configure MPIO

Configure MPIO

- [Teacher] With highly available storage where there are multiple paths from the physical disks in the storage enclosure to the server, you should use Multipath IO. The Windows Multipath IO feature combines the multiple paths to physical disks as a single, logical path that is used for data access. Let's start by going to the Add Roles and Features wizard in our Server Manager, and we can add the Multipath I/O feature. We'll select our server, click Next, and then we'll go down to Features and choose Multipath IO. Next and Install. In a previous video we installed an iSCSI target and initiator, and we're going to use this for our Multipath IO setup. Multipath IO, the IO stands for Input Output, is sometimes referred to as MPIO, and the installation is complete. We'll go ahead and close that, and we'll go to Tools and choose MPIO from the list. From here, we're going to go to where it says Discover Multipaths, and we…
