From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Configure SMB shares using PowerShell

Configure SMB shares using PowerShell - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Configure SMB shares using PowerShell

- [Narrator] We're in a Windows 2019 Active Directory Domain Controller. We're going to create some new powershell commands that will allow us to create groups and add those groups into the file shares. Let's go ahead and right click and create a new folder. We'll just call it shared. Now we'll go into our powershell and we're going to want to start by making sure that all of the server roles are installed so we can run these commands properly. We're going to run the Install-WindowsFeature and the name is going to be FS-FileServer server role and it's going to include the sub-features, if there are any, as well as the management tools. Now if everything has already been installed, you're going to see that no change is needed, otherwise, you'll see the installation that happened just after hitting the Enter command. The next thing we're going to do is we're going to create a New Active Directory Group. Now this command only…
