From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Configure storage pools

Configure storage pools

- [Instructor] Windows Server 2019 has a feature called Storage Spaces and we get there by going into our Server Manager and going to File and Storage Services. And once we're here, we're effectively in our Storage Spaces and we clicked on Storage Pools. From here we see the Storage Pool option as well as Virtual Disks and Physical Disks. We also see the option to create Shares as well as iSCSI target. Some options you'll only see if you add the role, Services, into your Server Manager. Other options, such as Volumes, and Disks, and Storage Pools are here by default. Let's focus on Storage Pools. So if we click on that we see under Storage Pools there is a Primordial Pool. Now you'll only see the Primordial Available Disks option if you have disks that are currently unallocated. Let's move up to Disks and we see under Disks that we have three, five gigabyte drives that are GPT partitioned. Their status is online and…
