From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Creating a RAID mirror in Storage Spaces Direct

Creating a RAID mirror in Storage Spaces Direct - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Creating a RAID mirror in Storage Spaces Direct

- [Instructor] We're going to use storage spaces in Windows Server 2019 to create a mirrored partition. Let's go to server manager, file and storage services, and then we'll click on the storage pools option. Now we need to have two drives of the exact same size in order to create a mirrored drive. We need to start with our primordial disk and go to tasks and choose new storage pool if you don't have a pool already created with two drives available. We'll go ahead and call this NewPool click next. And we'll choose two of our 5 GB drives. Click next and create. Once the pool is created we can then create our mirrored partition. Alright so we have our new pool setup. Let's go ahead and right-click and choose to create a new virtual disk, click OK and a new wizard comes up. We'll go ahead and click next, and we'll call this Mirror. Click next. We don't have our enclosures in multiple different locations so…
