From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Describe DAS, NAS, and SANs and the usage scenarios for each topology

Describe DAS, NAS, and SANs and the usage scenarios for each topology - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Describe DAS, NAS, and SANs and the usage scenarios for each topology

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at popular storage scenarios in Windows Server 2019. There are three popular types of storage, which we're going to talk about in detail and they're going to be used in different scenarios. Not all storage types are perfect for all different scenarios which is why we have these different options and of course, each of these options is going to have an advantage and a disadvantage or sometimes many advantages or disadvantages. So, let's take a look and see what those are. First, we'll start with direct attached storage. This is directly attached or internal to your server. This would be something like a hard drive added to a drive cage or a USB drive attached to a USB port or eSATA. Direct attached storage has some advantages. It's inexpensive and it's fast. Just adding an internal hard drive is very inexpensive compared to some of the other options and adding a USB drive can also be fairly…
