From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Extending and shrinking storage drive partitions in Server 2019

Extending and shrinking storage drive partitions in Server 2019 - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Extending and shrinking storage drive partitions in Server 2019

- [Instructor] We're in Computer management in Windows Server 2019, and let's take a look at extending and shrinking a volume. So we see our volumes using Drives E and F. And if you right click, and choose Properties, we can see that this particular volume is formatted with NTFS, and the second one is formatted with REFS. We went into some of the details of what the differences are between NTFS and REFS in a previous video. So let's take a look first at right clicking on our NTFS volume and we can choose to Extend or Shrink the volume. So let's go ahead and choose to Extend it, and we get a new wizard that comes up. We see on the right hand side, our Disk 1, which is the disk that we're using, and on the left hand side, we can also add space from Disks 2 and 4, if we choose to, simply by clicking on them and choosing to add. If we only want to extend space on the drive that we're working on, then we can just leave that…
