From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Implement Storage Replica

Implement Storage Replica

- [Instructor] Storage Replicas allows us to have a mirrored copy of our data either in the same location or a different one using our Windows 2019 Datacenter Servers. We're in our 2019 Server. Let's go ahead and click on Add roles and features. I went ahead and installed this beforehand, but I'll just show you what I did, so we're going to go ahead and choose our server, click Next, and then we're going to go to the last option which is Features, scroll down, and just make sure you see Storage Replica is installed. So, go ahead and check that box, click the Add to features installed and then reboot. Once you've done that, you'll be at the same stage I'm at right now. Now, if you don't see Storage Replica in the list, it means that you're not using the Datecenter version, so you need to make sure you're on Datacenter and not standard or some other version. Once you've done that, we need to create a server group to tie the…
