From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Manage server free space using Features on Demand

Manage server free space using Features on Demand - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Manage server free space using Features on Demand

- [Instructor] Managing the storage on one server by connecting to other servers can be a real time-saver. Using Server Manager as an administrator, you can create server groups and connect to the storage of any other server in your network. Let's go to option number four to create a server group in our Server Manager Dashboard. And from here, let's go ahead and select Server One, which is the server that we're on, as well as Server Two. Now we can also go to Active Directory and type the name of the server we want, or we can go to DNS and type either the name or the IP address. We can also choose Import to bring in a computer from another domain or forest. Let's go ahead and give this a name, we'll call it Storage Servers, and we'll go ahead and click OK. And there is the Storage Server group, and we see our two servers. From here, if we'd like, we can right-click on a server and we can choose to do things like…
