From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Mount VHDX files in Explorer

Mount VHDX files in Explorer

- [Instructor] Sometimes when we have problems starting a virtual machine, we can fix the problem by mounting it as a drive in Windows Explorer. We can also use this for a hopelessly corrupted virtual machine where we need to recover files. Let's say in this particular case, this virtual machine is unbootable or we want to see the files in Windows Explorer. So what we do is we right click and go to settings and then we go to where it says hard drive to find the VHDX file and we can see it's in our E drive in this path. So if we go to that path, we can see there is our VHDX file. We simply right click on it and choose mount and we can see down at the bottom that a new drive has popped up and it says local disk F. So if you click on that, now we see the expanded VHDX file in our Windows Explorer mounted as the F drive. So from here we can go ahead and double click on, say the Windows folder, we can go to any of the other…
