From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Server Manager storage roles services explained

Server Manager storage roles services explained - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Server Manager storage roles services explained

- We're in Server Manager in Windows Server 2019 and let's take a look at the File and Storage Services. In a previous video we took a look at computer management and then disk management, and we looked at all the different options there. We're going to see all of those same options but it's going to be presented in a different format, but we're also going to be presented with additional options in the Server Manager File and Storage Services. Now first at the top, we have the Servers pane, and the Servers pane gives us information about the server itself. So if we click on Tasks at the top right, from here we can add Roles and Features. This doesn't really have a lot to do with storage, so let's continue, scroll down, we can see things such as Events that pertain to storage, and a Best Practices Analyzer, as well as Performance, Roles and Features that are installed on the server. As we see here, we only see under File and…
