From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

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Troubleshooting shared folder access

Troubleshooting shared folder access - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: Storage Services

Troubleshooting shared folder access

- [Instructor] Let's review some troubleshooting techniques when we have issues with users who say they can't access files and folders that they believe they should have access to. Let's go to one of our shares. And in this case it is the Shares folder and we'll go to Properties. First thing we need to do is make sure we go to sharing and we see that the folder itself is shared. Now we see that the folder in this case the sharing has been turned off. So that could be our first indication. Let's go ahead and check the box that says share this folder. Click on permissions. And then make sure that the group is going to be in here. Let's go ahead and put in domain users. And click check names. Let's also add full access and remove the everyone group for security. Everyone means that even users not in Active Directory can still get access to those files and folders. Let's go ahead and click okay. And the next thing we…
