From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-800) Cert Prep: 3 Implement and Manage an On-Premises and Hybrid Networking Infrastructure

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Manage cloud tiering

Manage cloud tiering

- [Instructor] Let's now talk about Azure File Sync. Azure File Sync is a service that lets you cache file share on an on-premise Windows file server from a Azure File Share. Question becomes why would you need that? We talked about Azure File Share and how awesome it is to store all your files in the Cloud, so why would you need something? Well, it is possible that due to network connectivity, or due to the frequency of the file access requirement, you want to keep a copy of the file in your on-premise server. It is also possible that it is a requirement from your organization to have a on-premise copy or it is a requirement of the application. It's not necessarily file share for users, it is a file share for an application. At any event, Azure File Sync gives you the ability to sync those files that are in Azure File into a on-premise server. When the files are synced, entire folder structure is presented in its…
