From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-800) Cert Prep: 3 Implement and Manage an On-Premises and Hybrid Networking Infrastructure

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Understand virtual network concepts

Understand virtual network concepts

- [Instructor] Let's talk about Azure and virtual networking. In this video, we will talk about some of the basic concepts and terms for networking in Azure. Azure Virtual Network is the fundamental building block for your private network in Azure. When we talk about Azure, with Azure comes your Azure subscription, and with that subscription, one of the very first thing you can do is create virtual machines. These virtual machines need to talk to each other, and the way to give IP connectivity to these virtual machines is to create virtual network. With Azure subscription, you have the capability of creating virtual network that provides direct IP connectivity between virtual machines. Also, there are options for connectivity between different virtual networks within Azure, as well as connectivity between Azure Virtual Network and on-premise network. Let's talk about network interface. We all know that a…
