From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-801) Cert Prep: 3 Implement Disaster Recovery

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Back up using Microsoft Azure Backup Server

Back up using Microsoft Azure Backup Server

- Backup using Microsoft Azure backup server. In this lesson, we pick up where we left in the previous lesson on installing and managing Microsoft Azure backup server, MABS. So let's fast forward to you having Microsoft Azure backup server installed on your machine. I'm going to do this part of the lesson, entirely in demo. This is what the interface looks like for MABS. There's also a corresponding PowerShell module, you can use as well. For the purposes of the AZ-801 exam, we just need to know from a high level, how to use the software to perform hybrid cloud backups and restores. So as you can see down in the left hand side, we start on the Monitoring page where you can look at jobs, alert, et cetera. I actually would want to go down to Management first because this is where you register your servers, you configure your storage and then your Azure backup integration. So when we go to Production Servers, this…
