From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-801) Cert Prep: 3 Implement Disaster Recovery

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Define Hyper-V Replica

Define Hyper-V Replica

- [Instructor] Define Hyper-V Replica. Let's consider the use case of Hyper-V Replica. This is a disaster recovery feature that began with Windows Server 2012 and now continues with us today in Windows Server 2022. The use case is, for disaster recovery or DR, not high availability. Please understand that. Although, we should have minimal downtime when we perform a Hyper-V VM failover. It is not going to be the degree of consistent service that you have. For instance, when you are using highly available virtual machines with Windows server failover clustering. So again, we are using Hyper-V Replica for disaster recovery so that if there is a problem, a corruption, some issue with our primary instance, our primary VM, we can initiate a failover to bring up a matching instance in the same or another site. We might have to reconfigure a little bit of DNS, but you have got yourself a VM that's functional and synchronized…
