From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-801) Cert Prep: 3 Implement Disaster Recovery

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Perform a failover

Perform a failover

- [Instructor] Perform a failover. Let's review the types of failovers for Hyper-V Replica again. I had showed you previously kind of quickly and you will see it again in the demo shortly but let's formally go through it. Test is for DR planning and verification. Here Hyper-V creates a temporary VM with no disruption to the primary. A planned failover is used for maintenance windows for scheduled maintenance. You initiate this on the primary VM. Unplanned is for unexpected events. This is initiated on the replica VM. Now planned and unplanned both require that the VM is in stopped state. Please note that. That's enough of the theory. Let's get into the demo. Alright, in this demonstration I'm going to show you how Hyper-V Replica works. Now both of my machines here are on the Server 2022 but I could just as well have one Windows Server 2019 and the other one 2022. But remember, please keep in the back of your mind…
