From the course: Writing a Business Case

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Explain your business idea

Explain your business idea

- The idea section of your business case is the heart of it. This describes how you'll solve the problem, what it takes to implement your solution, and evidence for why your solution will work. You may also include other possible solutions and an assessment as to why you're recommending the one you've chosen. You'll need to strike a balance between being easy to understand but having enough detail to support your idea. Choose a few key facts and analyses to support your case. If you overwhelm your audience with data, you'll dilute your argument and confuse them in the process. If you're unsure whether or not to include additional detail, ask the stakeholders who have to pre-approve your case before it goes for final approval. They'll let you know if the detail is important enough to include. You also have the option of including more details in a supporting presentation that you can refer to if people have questions.…
