From the course: Writing and Delivering Speeches

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Accepting an award

Accepting an award

- Congratulations, your hard work has paid off and you're receiving an award that recognizes your contributions. This is an exciting moment for you. But wait, you have to walk up to the podium and give a speech to accept your award. What should you say? I have five tips to help you nail your speech, but first, let's consider the context. When you need to prepare an award acceptance speech, you're most likely facing one of two scenarios. In scenario one, you know in advance that you've won the award. The second scenario is one where you know you're a finalist, but you don't know who the winner is until everyone else finds out. The good news is, the preparation you'll need for the speech is about the same, with a few minor differences. The tips we'll cover spell out thank, which will help you remember each of the five tips for your acceptance speech. As a general note, if you're accepting an award on behalf of a team…
