From the course: Writing with Commonly Confused Words

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"Cite," "sight," or "site"?

"Cite," "sight," or "site"?

- Cite, C-I-T-E is an important word to know for writing papers. When you quote people, always cite them, attribute the quotation to them. Cite comes from an old French word that meant to summon, think of it as summoning the other person's knowledge. Other words that come from the same root include recite, you're summoning a piece from memory. And resuscitate, you're summoning someone back to life. Don't confuse cite with S-I-T-E, a location or place such as a worksite or website. That word can also be a verb that means to put your weapon in position. And don't confuse cite with S-I-G-H-T, which refers to the ability to see. The way to remember the correct spelling of the verb cite is to associate it with the noun citation. The thing you cite is called the citation, and people rarely misspell citation.
