Frank Watanabe’s Post

John F. Kennedy, Jr. once said “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” So it is a tragedy (and a threat to the US's future development and growth) that our public schools fail so many children. That tragedy is compounded by the opposition from much of the educational establishment ... and a growing portion of our political elite (including our current President) ... to charter schools. A new study from Stanford University's Centre for Research on Education Outcomes of nearly 2 million charter school students and a similar control group of public school students demonstrates the positive impact charter schools can have on children, especially the most disadvantaged who are least well served by our public schools, and who stand to gain the most from a great education! The study found that in math, the average charter student advanced by an extra six days each year compared with one at a traditional public school, and by 16 days in reading. And students in cities, as well as Hispanic and African-American students, benefitted the most. The study also refuted the argument that over-performance by charter students was because those schools were creaming off the most motivated pupils or parents, finding that charter schools take in students who are doing worse than their classmates in public schools. It's time that charter school opponents put aside their ill-informed (or self-serving) opposition, follow the facts, and support charter schools and our kids!

National Charter School Study III - CREDO

National Charter School Study III - CREDO

James Q. Del Rosso, DO

If you want the best, then look no further, you found it here.


Great Post Frank W and thank you Alex C. Our current political leadership are dedicated to nothing more than destroying the fabric of our country. They could care less about the education of our youth. They rather fill their heads with absurd confusion about their gender or poison their minds with fabricated perceptions of hate against other races of people. Leave people alone and most get along just fine. It is all about a pathetic group of current political leaders that want to break us financially, poison the minds of our youth, dummy down our country, and ultimately control the masses of the US. Open your eyes if you do not see it.


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