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Affordable, and accessible , education changed my life. We have an obligation to offer the same to future generations. 🇺🇸

UCLA, UC Berkeley Extension receive $12 million from Scott Galloway to help non-traditional students pursue careers

UCLA, UC Berkeley Extension receive $12 million from Scott Galloway to help non-traditional students pursue careers

Teri Carhart

Director of Leadership Gifts, Mother Jones and Center for Investigative Reporting | REVEAL


AMAZING, Scott!! Way to give back - you seem to get better and better with age :)

Michael Crow

Founder/Investor/Entrepreneur/Recovering Multifamily Property Owner


I had no money for college , parents divorced my senior year of HS, so I took a scholarship to San Diego State University in their honors program. I graduated and started at Price Waterhouse and then after a positive ten year corporate career left and started buying and building companies. It was stressful and hard but now it provides my kids ability to go to Duke, NYU, Washington U and law school at BC. Plus. I get to have a PJ. None of it would have worked without my almost free education at SDSU.

Michael Gilmore

Founder of The Money Awareness & Inclusion Awards | Championing Financial Literacy & Inclusion | Research Director at Albizia Capital


I’ve never understood the view that thinks only the student benefits from education, therefore they should pay all the costs. We all benefit from it. Do we want more uneducated? Fewer doctors? Fewer nurses? Those are the obvious ones, but fewer accountants mean we’d get more fraud. Fewer scientists, less innovation. Fewer engineers, less buildings. Do we want a world where we - collectively - understand more or understand less? Personally, I like the idea of free education because my children will live in a more educated world. Who doesn’t want that?

Alex Stuart

General Accountant 2 at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA


I think what you're doing is amazing and commendable, but it's important to note a significant issue in the collegiate system: certain licenses are inaccessible without a bachelor's degree. For example, despite having an associate degree in accounting, a CPA track certification, and a Staff Accounting Certificate, I can't become a CPA due to the lack of a bachelor's degree in CA. This restriction limits the growth of capable and motivated individuals. I've been trying to get into UCLA for over 10 years and have worked there as an accountant for five years, but I still can't obtain my bachelor's degree due to repeated rejections.

John Ghiorso

Post-Exit Founder | Investor & Advisor | Surfer


Putting you money where your mouth is. Love it.

Judit Szekeres

AI-first Content & Digital Marketing Ops | Transformation Consultant | ex-WPP | ex-PMI


what a generous gift! I love that you put hour money where your mouth is 👏 I grew up in Hungary and went to university in the early 2000’s - it was free. If it would have been different, I wouldn’t have had higher education, (and had the life and career experiences it has allowed me - with a working class, Central Eastern European background) as it was simply not affordable and my parents generation didn’t grow up saving for their kids university education. It was simply not part of the culture. The system has changed in 20 years, but I honestly can’t compute how an average family can save up 8 semester worth of tuition - not to mention if they have multiple children. Regardless of location… be it Central Eastern Europe, Asia, the US… education should be more accessible!

Janet Majors

Digital Storyteller, UX Writer, Content Development, Copywriter, Program Developer and Manager.


Thank you for addressing the inequity to access in such a generous manner. Like you, I was the recipient of an affordable education at UCLA. I worked at the UCLA Career Center while I was a student. I work with the 17-24 student market and created a skills based training program to help young kids successfully transition into the workforce. Unfortunately, cancer took me out of the game for a while. Now that I’m back, I would love to donate that training program to UCLA if there is interest. If there a way you can help me do that, I would be most appreciative. Thank you.

Appreciate ProfG opening up career pathways for everyone

Way to put your money where your mouth is, Prof G, and doing your part to pay it forward when so many with the means choose not to. I've taken some wonderful classes at UC Berkeley Extension.

Kenneth Lustig

Co-Founder RealWear, Inc.


Wow! What a remarkable gift. One of my best classes was a business course at UCLA extension whict at the time a limited amount of extension credits could count toward UCLA undergrad graduation requirements. The course was taught by a prominent LA entrepreneur who gave the me opportunity to work for him during the term assisting in the assessmrnt of the operating performance of LA’s largest cable operator. It was a formidable learning opportunity with real world experience analyzing customer behavior and helped shape my career. Wouldn’t have had the the opportunity if not for the extension course.

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