Prominent Recruitment Consulting’s Post

HR Department Flow Chart: 1. Recruitment and Hiring Process Job Vacancy Identified ·Department notifies HR of the vacancy Job Description Created · HR and department head collaborate on job description Job Posting · HR posts the job internally and externally Application Collection ·  HR collects and sorts applications Screening Applications ·  HR screens applications for qualifications Initial Interview ·  HR conducts initial phone or video interviews Department Interview ·  Department head and team interview shortlisted candidates Job Offer ·  HR prepares and sends job offer Onboarding ·  HR coordinates new employee onboarding 2. Employee Onboarding Process New Hire Orientation ·  HR conducts orientation session Document Collection ·  HR collects necessary documents (ID, tax forms, etc.) Training Schedule ·  HR and department head create a training schedule Probation Period Monitoring ·  HR monitors the probation period and provides feedback 3. Employee Records Management Record Creation ·  HR creates a new employee record in the HR system Record Maintenance ·  HR updates records as needed (e.g., promotions, salary changes) Record Retention ·  HR ensures records are securely stored and retained as per legal requirements 4. Performance Management Process Goal Setting ·  Employees and managers set performance goals Regular Check-ins · HR schedules regular performance check-ins Performance Reviews ·  Annual or semi-annual performance reviews conducted Performance Improvement Plans · HR assists in creating and monitoring performance improvement plans if needed 5. Employee Development and Training Training Needs Assessment · HR conducts assessments to identify training needs Training Program Development ·  R develops or sources training programs Training Delivery · HR coordinates and delivers training sessions Training Evaluation · HR evaluates the effectiveness of training programs 6. Employee Relations Conflict Resolution ·  HR mediates conflicts between employees or between employees and management Policy Development ·  HR develops and updates company policies Disciplinary Actions ·  HR manages disciplinary actions and ensures compliance with policies 7. Compensation and Benefits Salary Administration ·  HR administers payroll and salary adjustments Benefits Management ·  HR manages employee benefits (health insurance, retirement plans, etc.) Compliance ·  HR ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations 8. Employee Exit Process Resignation/Termination ·  HR processes employee resignations or terminations Exit Interview ·  HR conducts exit interviews Final Settlement ·  HR processes final pay and benefits Record Closure ·  HR closes the employee record and ensures documentation is complete

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