Rev. Fredy Paul’s Post

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Truth Teacher (Spiritual Advisor)

YES Beloved, Though We LOVE People, EVERYBODY Doesn't OCCUPY the SAME Place in Our HEARTS! So Keep Cherishing & Celebrating those People who Showed Extra KINDNESS and LOVE to Lead you to CHRIST and ENCOURAGE You to be in CHRIST! They are your GOOD & TRUE FRIENDS! Stay with them! COVER them with your Daily PRAYERS and Keep Looking for an Opportunity to HELP & Support them, to ENCOURAGE Them to Keep Blessing MORE People like You & Others! TRUE CHRISTIANS, who are: RIGHT & GOOD, TRUE & HONEST, LOVING & CARING may Look like FOOLS, but Only on Earth! (John 8:32) 1. [Mark 8:36-37] 36 For what shall it PROFIT a man, if he shall GAIN the WHOLE WORLD, and LOSE his own SOUL? 37 Or what shall a man GIVE in EXCHANGE for his SOUL? 2. [Philippians 4:8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Pure, whatsoever things are Lovely, whatsoever things are of Good report; if there be any Virtue, and if there be any Praise, THINK on THESE THINGS. 3. [Philippians 3:20] For our Conversation (HOME) is in HEAVEN; from whence also we look for the SAVIOUR, the LORD JESUS CHRIST: Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share. #ThoughWeLoveAllEverybodyIsNotSAME #ChershAndCelebrateTheGodlyOnes #GoodFriendIsSomeoneLeadsYouToGOD #GetSAVEDandGetOthersSAVED #KeepTellingTheTRUTHtoALL #JESUSlovesYOU #KeepDoingGOODtoALL

Kanchan Devi

ਘਰ ਡਇਜ ਆ ਇਨ ਦੇ ਪੋਸਟ


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