The 10-Minute Daily Routine to Sharpen Your Strategic Thinking
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on

The 10-Minute Daily Routine to Sharpen Your Strategic Thinking

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing and communications, strategic thinking isn’t just a skill—it's an essential part of our daily arsenal. As a content marketing and PR pro, now exec comms leader at Qualcomm, I've discovered that one of the most effective ways to enhance this skill isn't through intensive seminars or lengthy books, but through a simple, daily practice. Today, I want to share with you a 10-minute routine that has significantly improved my strategic thinking abilities.

 1.     Reflect on Past Decisions (2 Minutes):

Every day, I take two minutes to reflect on a past decision. This isn't about dwelling on what went right or wrong, but about understanding the thought process behind those decisions. What were the key factors? What could have been done differently? This brief reflection is a powerful tool for learning from the past and preparing for future challenges.

 2.     Analyze a News Article (4 Minutes):

Keeping abreast of global events and trends is vital for anyone in a leadership role, especially in the dynamic fields of technology, AI and communications. Each day, I dedicate four minutes to reading and analyzing a news article, focusing on its implications for the business and tech world. This helps in staying informed and understanding how global trends can impact our strategies.

 3.     Brainstorm Solutions (4 Minutes):

The final four minutes are reserved for brainstorming. I pick a challenge, either a personal one or something from the news, and jot down possible solutions or approaches. This exercise isn't about finding the perfect answer; it's about stretching the creative muscles of your brain and approaching problems from different angles.


Why This Works:

This routine works because it’s short, consistent, and covers three critical aspects of strategic thinking: learning from the past, understanding the present, and preparing for the future. Moreover, it can be easily integrated into any schedule, no matter how busy you are.


As professionals in a world where technology and business landscapes are constantly evolving, developing our strategic thinking is imperative. This 10-minute daily routine has been a game-changer for me, providing clarity and enhancing my decision-making skills. I encourage you to try it out and see the impact it can have on your professional life. Remember, the journey to becoming a better leader and strategist starts with small, daily steps.

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