10 Practical Steps to Becoming A More Inclusive Leader

Ten Ways to Become More Inclusive

 Creating and fostering an inclusive environment in which all people feel included and respected requires courage, focus, and intentionality.Here are ten practical actions you can take to become a more  inclusive leader:    

 1. Remember that silence has a profound and piercing sound. Pay close attention to what voices are missing from key discussions and decisions. Invite those missing voices in.

2. Actively look for the subtle and tacit signs of need and vulnerability. Don’t miss the opportunity to be helpful to someone that you would least suspect needs your help.

3. Always listen with compassion and attention with the goal of seeking greater understanding. Resist the temptation to judge.

4. Comfort is often the enemy of growth and innovation. Learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

5. Everyone has a unique story and journey. Get to know your co-workers beyond their titles and organization charts.

6. Invite someone whose gifts and life experiences are remarkably different from yours to talk about something that is important to him or her. In turn, share something that is important to you. Look for both the similarities and the differences in the perspectives. 

7. Understand that there is no such thing as a view from nowhere. Commit to being aware of both the presence and influence of your own personal lenses and biases on others.

8. Everyone has felt “excluded” at some point. Be conscious and committed to creating environments that are respectful and welcoming to all people.   

9. Appreciate and celebrate the fact that we are all diverse, divine and human.  

10. Above all else, be humble, patient and kind to yourself and others. We are all works in progress.

Thanks for the solid behaviors to practice.


Really thoughtful and practical 


Awesome as usual! Thank you!

QCentric Consultants

Information Technology Consulting


Excellent commentary!


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