10 Ways To Get Noticed On Your LinkedIn Profile
10 Ways To Get Noticed On Your LinkedIn Profile - Paul Ho

10 Ways To Get Noticed On Your LinkedIn Profile

  1. Upload a professional photo of yourself which shows a little bit of your style, the image you want to convey to your clients, and the type of business you are in.
  2. Create a compelling and value-driven headline. Your headline is super important and should contain words that describe the services you provide in a compelling and value-driven way. (Being specific is the key here) And remember, the number of words required to give your overview is limited, who you serve and how you help, so go for it. The good news is you can always change it as you grow and evolve in your business. The most important thing is to start being more compelling and value-driven in your headline.
  3. Add brief information about each job position you had in the past. Again, show the results, the outcome, the transformation your past clients got from working with you. You can also add your accomplishments here. However, when writing about it, remember to always put yourself in your client's shoes. NOTE: It is vital to include at least two achievements you made to be more complete.
  4. Create a personal URL for your personal website or brand. For example, you can use your name, the name of your company, or a tagline summary, meaning what you're known for or what you want to be known for.
  5. Write content that is compelling and that grabs your future clients' attention. When writing, remember to write for people (your ideal clients) who have a specific problem that you have the solution for. It's also a good idea to keep in mind when writing content to use "keywords" your ideal clients will type in the LinkedIn search.
  6. Display any kind of award and achievements that you have. Doing so, you gain respect, increase your credibility and also your chance to sell your services, products, and programs.
  7. List your area expertise. LinkedIn's has an endorsements feature that is very famous, so give those you are connected to something to endorse. The more endorsements you have, the more credibility gain, and the more trust you will build with your future clients.
  8. Write your name in the summary. Why? Because of 1. Your name is a "keyword" that people will type to find you; 2. Your name creates more connection with others; 3. It gives a simple introduction to your story. The more people resonate with you, the better the chance for them to contact you. It's simple, yet effective.
  9. Increase the number of connections you have. The more connections you have, the more social proof, and the more know-ability, like-ability and trust-ability you build (the KLT factor) for your future clients. Think about it. Who would you be more likely to hire, a person with only 10 connections or a professional with 500+ connections?
  10. Get recommendations. Recommendations take a little more effort to get than endorsements. LinkedIn only enables one to send a recommendation request to a certain limit and to be specific 200 people. Remember that you are requesting those you are connected to take their precious time and say appealing characteristics about you over a universal network

After doing all the above you should then ensure you keep in touch with those you are connected with to ensure that people get to know that it's not just a profile but someone is actually there. This will lead to opportunities which you may be seeking.

I hope you try these tips out and give me your feedback in the comments. There are many more and I love hearing about new tips to get the most attention to your profile.

Give me a call or email! 678-361-5907 / [email protected]

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