7 Reasons why I love Microsoft industry clouds – reason #2

7 Reasons why I love Microsoft industry clouds – reason #2

Last week’s Microsoft Ignite event featured the Microsoft Cloud for Retail, Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services, Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit, and updates to the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. Together with the Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing, which will be in public preview in June, these clouds were developed through close co-innovation with customers and partners. Last week’s post shares the core building blocks of Microsoft industry clouds: Reason #1 

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The second reason I love Microsoft industry clouds is that they decrease the risk and accelerate time-to-value of digital transformation. 

Before the pandemic, some customers would tell us, “Hey, some digital transformation investments are going to be long-term for us.” However, after experiencing huge changes over the past year, and seeing their organizational strengths and weaknesses, these organizations are coming back to tell us that treating digital transformation as a long-term initiative actually increases their risk and decreases their agility. They need solutions, and they need them right away.   

Microsoft industry cloud solutions build upon the power of the Microsoft Cloud, and include industry-specific common data models (CDM), apps, workflows, AI models, APIs, and connectors. This investment by Microsoft means it takes far less time for customers to get from technology investment to business value outcomes.  

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Imagine how quickly a healthcare organization can transform their patient experience if they start with a solution that can securely launch a virtual visit from an electronic health record. Imagine a bank that wants to reimagine the loan customer experience, and starts with a secure, state-of-the-art loan management app built on the Microsoft Cloud. The Microsoft industry cloud approach drastically decreases the risk of the solution, enables the partner to focus on customizing the apps and workflows to the organization’s specific needs, and lights up new capabilities for organizations in far less time. 

These examples of workflows, connectors, and apps are just a small part of how Microsoft industry clouds reduce risk and accelerate our customers’ time-to-value. The Ignite videos mentioned above provide far more detail about the capabilities of each Microsoft industry cloud. Check in next week to read 7 reasons why I love Microsoft industry clouds, reason #3: 

  1. Microsoft industry clouds are customized to industry customers’ needs (link
  2. Microsoft industry clouds decrease the risk and accelerate time-to-value of digital transformation (above) 
  3. Microsoft industry clouds put your high-value data to work for your customer experience and company growth, no matter where the data originates (next week) 
  4. Microsoft industry clouds are based on proven technology 
  5. Customers love Microsoft industry clouds 
  6. Partners love Microsoft industry clouds 
  7. Microsoft is fully invested and committed 

To learn more about the clouds, visit the links from Ignite above, and visit our industry solutions site. If you have any questions about Microsoft industry clouds, please let me know in the comments below. 

Achraf Feydi

Software engineer @ Meta


Such a noble initiative from Microsoft assisting Nonprofit organizations. This is a great demonstration of how Big IT corporations can help the community work for collective, public, or social benefit. Big Kudos.


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