My wellness journey started 7 years ago. I spent 40 years priming myself for that moment of truth. It was the moment I finally realized that my successful life on paper had strayed far from what I once dreamt in my heart. It was the moment I decided to return to who I was meant to be, how I was meant to live, and what I was meant to lead.

It's been an interesting journey filled with surprises, expansion, courage, new friendships, new talents, and tons of healing. In essence, I redefined the principles by which I live in order to change my life.

What I am sharing with you is everything I have discovered and what I continue to live today. I invite you to experience these truths with Raising Beauty by your side. I know you will uncover your own truths during your unique journey. When you do, please add them to this sacred list.

1. You are a spiritual being living a human experience.

Every aspect of your life has been created by your design and guided by your spiritual self. From the moment you enter the human realm, you lead a journey filled with clues that help you remember the enlightened being that you are. Those clues are your everyday experiences, encounters, achievements, relationships, expressions, lessons, emotions. They are found in the great, the good, and even the most challenging situations. Embrace it all with appreciation and amazement. You've created something miraculously complex and orchestrated. It's called your life.

2. Your spiritual self is omni-present, often clouded by your human beliefs.

Your spiritual self is full of power, omni-present, yet often hidden. Just like clouds can hide the sun and moon, your beliefs can hide your spirit and keep you disconnected from your power. Beliefs are formed by your experiences from infancy, to childhood, to adulthood. Sometimes they are empowering (i.e. I trust I am supported). Sometimes they are limiting (i.e. I am not important) and keep you isolated from your highest self. Negative feelings often reveal an underlying negative belief as well as the opportunity to return to your spirit. Rewrite negative beliefs to regain power and redirect the story of your life.

3. The abundance of the world is your inherent right.

Beauty and abundance are never ending and they are yours to savor and experience. Live abundantly without shame because it is your inherent right to enjoy the fruits of this world. Live abundantly without greed because abundance is infinite and does not need to be hoarded or desperately craved. Always fluid, true abundance is felt from the joy of giving and receiving. It flows in with the belief "I am creative, powerful, loved, and deserving." It flows out with the belief "I have more than enough to give." You will wake each day excited to see what unfolds.

4. Well-being is not a constant state of zen or happiness. 

I used to believe that living a life of well-being meant eliminating negativity and creating balance in order to live in a state of calm, peace, and happiness. What I learned throughout my wellness journey is that life has everything, nothing is constant, the emotional scale is sometimes tipped, and well-being is not a destination. Human life is filled with experiences that ignite a full range of emotions, test your capacity, challenge your strength, activate your resilience, inspire your talent. Well-being is tapping into your greatest source of power to make conscious choices that support your highest good. It is about navigating life with confidence and free will to live your sacred yes, every day.

5. You are the energy of the universe connected to all.

Together we are comprised of and make up the energy of the universe. We are connected. That means you matter. Your actions matter. Who you choose to be and what you do influences you, others, and the world. Your energy is contagious and carries weight. When you live as the greatest version of yourself, you radiate an energy so strong it not only changes the trajectory of your life, but it raises the collective energy of the universe. Imagine living as a force of beauty so powerful that it lights the world.

6. The truth will set you free.

My grandmother used to say "the truth will set you free." When I was a child and being mischievous, that statement would send my heart into a small panic. It wasn’t until 5 years ago that I fully embraced its meaning. How many times have you overlooked your truth in exchange for success? You've heard the sayings “fake it 'til you make it” or “don’t let 'em see you sweat” or “no pain, no gain.” It’s exhausting to make excuses for things that don’t bring you joy or to convince yourself that you are happy when you really aren’t. When you ignore your truth, you risk trapping yourself in a life that feels downright wearisome. Listen to your truth like she is your best friend. The truth is your spirit's way of leading you back to your authentic life. Honor yourself and you will be free.

7. Courage is the space between where you are now and where you want to be.

If you are wondering why your life doesn't look the way you once envisioned, the answer may be found in your emotional home. Your emotions take residence in your body, your environment, and ultimately your life. You can choose to lead a life fueled by shame, guilt, and pride or one that is driven by willingness, acceptance, and love. All emotions carry varying degrees of power. It is the power of courage, or the determination and curiosity to discover the truth, that will magically open your path to endless possibilities and carry you straight from where you are today to where you want to go.

These 7 sacred truths have armed me with the power and courage to pave a new direction while preserving and honoring everything important to my life. They have served me well. I build this philosophy into all of my engagements so that they can serve you well, too.

If 2020 has led you to your moment of truth, message me. We will chat to see if Raising Beauty can help turn your moment of truth into the greatest moment of your life. 

Stay well. Be beautiful.

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Shimrit Nativ

Success Coach | Mindset Expert | Entrepreneur | CEO of Master Your Path


Thanks for sharing this Alyson😊

Rita Bandy

We form your Low Tax Global company in 24 hours


Alyson, thanks for sharing!

Alyson DeMaso

Is there more to life than this? I help highly successful business owners & execs create rich and meaningful lives beyond financial wealth before it’s too late | Fortune 500 Exec, Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Reiki Healer


If 2020 has led you to your moment of truth, message me so we can chat to see if Raising Beauty can help you turn it into the greatest moment of your life.


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