The Art of Money Making

By Matthew Oye

Getting rich begins with a decision that you want to be rich by working very hard. You become rich by finding a way to solve a problem. In fact, the best time to become rich is when things are very bad . When they are lots of problems, then you have to put on your thinking cap and think solutions to those problem and then money will be flowing into your account like river flows into the sea. Think of problem as opportunity that needs to be worked on. The bigger the problem you have at hands right now the more opportunity available for you to make lots of money. In this life nothing is easy and  sure you don’t want nothing, you want something which is money. Therefore, you must seek to identify one huge problem and go the whole hog to solve that problem  and the solution you provide to solve that problem will create streams of money flowing into your hand.
You see, when everybody is crying that the economies of nations are   bad and that things are very difficult that is the time you should be curious and start thinking up solutions to the problems that everybody is crying about. You need proper financial education and planning to get over financial challenges and you can become very rich when you focus on problem solving. Focus on your ability to solve problem for people and money will get attracted to you. To be rich you must hate wasting money and time. Any money that comes into your hand always thinks about how you can invest it. Invest your time on doing valuable project instead of engaging in urgent and project of less value.
Most times, I hear many people complain about the hard times we are in and people are making all kinds of excuses why the economy is not favorable to them. But I want you to know that making a little effort everyday that moves you towards your goals is far better than complains and excuses. Make effort to learn about money and the rules that under gird the making, managing and multiplying money. Financial education is the greatest weapon that helps to destroy the ignorance that breeds poverty. In fact, another word for poverty is ignorance or darkness. For you to make plenty of money you must focus on solving problems for people and collect money as your reward for solving problem for others.
Work, work work
The  master key to having plenty of money is hard working. Let me tell you, only those who are hard working can be free from financial problem. If you are not working very hard I’m sorry, you will continue to wallow in poverty. If you want to become rich focus on working. Money will not come to you by accident or through lottery, but money will come into your hands only through hard work. The common thread that runs through the veins of all rich people is that they work harder than every other person. Rich people always wake up very early before other people and work and work and they stay up late still working. Rich people gets to their office before the other staff comes in the morning and they stayed behind after everybody is gone for the day. Genuine money only comes into the hands of those who are working very hard. Lazy bones should never think of getting money, become money runs away from the hand of the indolent. If you are not working very hard, nothing will work for you. That is the truth. The first assignment that God gave to the first man on earth is work. The Garden of Eden is a very large place, yet only one man was maintaining it every day. His downfall came when his wife was lazing around in the house and that was when the serpent came to temp her. Although satan does temp people but lazy people are the ones tempting satan. Hard work is the only thing that can free you from the shackles of poverty. When you are working, people will respect you but when you are always talking and sleeping in the house, nobody will respect you. If you want to be rich, you must stop talking and become very productive because your fortune in life is a harvest of your productivity. Work with your mind and work with your hands. All those who are relying on their hands alone will be working for  the man who works with his mind. God is a hard worker. All the people of old are hard working. It is the protestant work ethics that was used to build the developed countries. We have no choice as people in Africa to start working very hard. Let me tell you the truth, if you are not working you will be poor no matter how much money people give or send to you from abroad, but if you are a consistently hard working person, you will be very rich. When you are working and people comes around to chat with you tell them ‘please excuse me I’ve got plenty of work of to do’ and quickly walk away and go and continue your work. When you work, shun mediocrity. Do excellent work. If you are given small work to do, do it so well that angels cannot do it better. Go the extra mile in doing your work and God will bless you. So many people are praying that God should bless them, but my friends, God can only bless the work that you are doing. So if you don’t have anything doing, what is God going to bless?
If have not been working, I challenge you today to go and find some work to do.  And if you have been working, but you have not been working very hard, shun procrastination and start working very hard in the morning, afternoon, evening and in the night. Sometime ago, I told my daughter that the best way to get ahead of others in life is to wake up and start working while others are sleeping. She was laughing but that is the truth.
Let me thank you for allowing me to share this thought with you today, you are not born to suffer there is a seed of greatness within you. If you can concentrate on problem solving and see every problem around you as opportunity to make money and you focus on working very very hard there is to satan that stop the flow of plenty of money into your account. God bless you. 
Matthew Oye is a personal finance expert and high energy motivation speaker. You can contact him through his email:[email protected] or call 0244088259

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