The Beautiful and Useful Applications of Logarithms

The Beautiful and Useful Applications of Logarithms

Logarithms are among the most useful tools we have at our disposal in mathematics. They allows us to translate problems of a multiplicative nature to problems of an additive nature, and this can often be the key to unlocking a solution to a problem. They are especially useful for problems involving powers or indices.

To illustrate this, let’s look at an interesting number theory problem. We are looking to find all positive integer pairs n and m which satisfy the equation n^m = m^n, when n and m are distinct. If we play around with small n and m we can quickly see that 2⁴ = 16 = 4², so the pair 2 and 4 are certainly one solution.

It turns out that the pair 2 and 4 is in fact the only such solution. The more interesting aspect of this problem is how we prove that this is the only solution. The proof makes great use of logarithms and reduces to an analysis of a function which is continuous in the positive domain, rather than a discrete number theory approach. Let’s do it.

Turning the problem into a function to analyze

If we do some simple manipulation of our equation through taking natural logarithms, we can state it in an alternate form, as follows:

So a solution to our original equation represents two distinct positive integers n and m for which this function has the same value:

Sketching the function

Let’s sketch this function and see what it looks like. First, we can differentiate it and set the derivative to zero to determine if there are any stationary points on the curve.

This only solution to this is lnx = 1, so the function has a single stationary point at x = e, y = 1/e. Note also that

  • At x = 1, y = 0

  • As x approaches zero, lnx approaches -∞ and so y approaches -∞ also.

  • As x gets large, and because lnx increases much more slowly than x, we have that y approaches zero.

Putting these facts together, we can conclude that our stationary point is a maximum, and we can sketch our function as follows, with the function crossing the x axis at x = 1:

So how is this useful?

Well , we can see from our sketch that the only area where our function can have the same value for two distinct values of x is where 0 < y < 1/e and x > 1.

We can also see that, if two such integer values of x do exist, then the smaller of the two must occur before our function hits its maximum. So let’s say n is the smaller of any integer pair that satisfies the equation. Then we can say that 1 < n < e.

Now, since e is somewhere between 2 and 3, we have to conclude that n must be 2. Further, from our curve, we can see that there can only be one other value of x for which (lnx)/x = (ln2)/2, and since we know that 2⁴= 4², we know that the other integer must be 4. Hence 2 and 4 must be the only pair of distinct integers which satisfy our equation.

If you have any interesting observations about the approach to this problem, feel free to mention them in the comments.

Peter Averkamp

Chairman EMEA bei ratioBrains


If your mind translates this into binary representation it is clear that the exponent is a simple shift operation. The only type of integers which satisfy the equation are powers of 2 i.e. single bits of 1 in a row of zeroes. Therefore n and m can only be adjacent. The only adjacent pair which comes into consideration is 2 and 4.

Rafael Matos, MSc.

Credit Risk Modeling | IFRS 9 | Basel | Cost of Credit | Quantitative Finance | Retail Banking | Machine Learning | Data Science | Complex Systems MSc.


Keith McNulty thanks for the demonstration. An interesting thing is that we can’t determine 4 before 2. If we tried to find 4 by evaluating different denominators n so that 1/e > 1/n > 0, and zero being the limit of ln x/ x when x approaches infinite, we would end up with many possibilities. So we necessarily need to find 2 first, in such analytical method.

Evan McClure

Generalist Computer Engineer Doing Staff+ Things 🌈♾️


I really appreciate your posts. It seems mathematics is being made great again, and I think you're great contributor to this movement.

Martin Pergler

Risk, uncertainty, opportunity | Independent consultant ex-McKinsey | Board member, advisor, educator


First, thanks for being a reliable source of interesting (geeky) content on LinkedIn, in the sea of low-entropy self-promotion. Second, while I'm an (ex?)-mathematician, I hadn't seen this particular example, and it's a great one. Third, it may be among the simplest and shortest examples of what pure math does so well: kick a problem from one domain to another to solve it more quickly, beautifully...or just be able to solve it at all. Here it's (number theory) -> (analysis). Other great examples are Fourier transforms/spectral analysis, through the link between trig and complex exponentiation; and vector calculus. Plus more esoteric ones, like the link between geometry and ergodic theory (that fuelled my Ph.D.)

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