Business Secrets: 5 LESSONS you need to learn FAST from Holly Tucker, Founder of

Business Secrets: 5 LESSONS you need to learn FAST from Holly Tucker, Founder of

From failing her Business A-Level to founding an online marketplace worth hundreds of millions - Holly Tucker’s journey is remarkable. But the rapid success of came with some very dark days; heartbreak, divorce, illness, missing her son’s first words as she rushed from meeting to meeting, losing her identity, grief and sacrifice. 

What an honour it was to sit down with Holly to discuss the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. The fundamental life lessons that she shares and unpacks for us in this conversation are based on problems that we will all experience in our lives. I've picked just 5 that resonated with me the most - she's going to save you learning these lessons the hard way!

5 LIFE LESSONS you need to hear about business, entrepreneurship, success, failure and everything in-between: 


As my friends would spend the summer getting up to mischief no doubt I would be travelling up to Baker Street to spend my summer working, at 15, 16 and 17… I celebrated my 18th birthday in the office and I’ve been working ever since.

Holly has no degree, university experience or student debt but she proudly attended what she refers to as 'the University of life' where she learnt invaluable skills that arguably allowed her to fast-track her success. Holly is living proof that you DO NOT have to go to university to start a business, despite what your parents and teachers might tell you. I actually believe that for the majority of people, university is a scam. For others, it's just an inefficient rip off.

We spoke about how the system is in desperate need of a shake up, especially if your skillset favours creativity. I think I might take this industry on by creating a more-relevant debt-free alternative to university. I think that's a challenge I would enjoy. Stay tuned.


Creativity sort of saved me. I have to have a creative environment to exist in.

Nothing quite destroys the execution of a great creative idea like 20 people’s opinions and 100 meetings.

Holly and I are hugely passionate about the power of creativity. It's why I'm so set on refusing to label myself, my role or who I am - because it limits your capacity to create whatever you want, whenever you chose. If you’re feeling down go and create something. You don’t need permission or a certain job title to create your own art. Write, compose, produce, draw, paint, dance, direct, whatever allows you to express yourself. Expression helps us to heal and the best art comes from pain.


I didn’t see risk, I just went into it. I knew it was going to work out. It drives people in those dark days where everybody is telling you ‘no’ and I’m saying ‘yes'. How beautiful is naivety - I wish I could bottle it up and just take a swig of it every single day.

Optimism, risk taking and unwavering self-belief are all common denominators amongst the most successful entrepreneurs. Even as Holly’s tech startup was on the verge of bankruptcy, there wasn’t a flicker of doubt in her mind that wasn’t going to be a monumental success. There is ALWAYS a way. As I say, there is a way, or I have to work harder. How do you ensure it happens? Never allow for the other outcome.

Taking no risk will end up being your biggest risk. You have to risk failure to succeed. You have to risk rejection to be accepted. If you are always avoiding risk, you’re risking missing out on life.


‘I’m dyslexic, I’m someone who has to work hard to achieve’

We all have our own hurdles and barriers to overcome. If you view your challenge as a mountain, the scale of the challenge will intimidate you into inaction. If you view it as a staircase, one small step after another, you're more likely to start. Reframing your perception is the key to building the confidence required to start. You have to believe in yourself above everything else. Don't think you deserve it? Go for it anyway. Remember - no more self-rejecting.


Be careful to be in a hurry all the time - just because you want something, and you can get it, doesn’t mean it’s right

Holly (who's nickname was literally Hurricane Holly and was married and divorced by the age of 23) teaches us all a thing or two about the importance of patience and the dangers that come with always being in a rush. RELAX. Nobody has their whole life figured out. It’s fine to not have a clue. Let's stop with the unnecessary self-imposed pressure. No instagram life comparisons (that sh*t isn’t real). Patience, hard work & be nice to people. Everything else will figure itself out along the way.

This list could go on and on. What a pleasure to sit down with such an incredibly powerful entrepreneur, business woman, mother, CEO and creator who has been through it all. Her energy and drive is genuinely infectious and I'd recommend listening or watching to the full conversation to feel it for yourself - available everywhere now 👉🏽

I believe creating a business makes you happy. When you’re striving for happiness you can control your own destiny, work around your family, be your most creative self, answer to nobody, dictate everything about your life, people ask why I’m obsessed with business, it’s not about business its just the vehicle to get all these other things - Holly Tucker.
Laura Dryhurst

Marketing, Branding and Advertising Consultant | Social Change Marketing | Public and Third Sector


Just finished listening to this podcast and have come away feeling so inspired. Thanks Steven and Holly.

Lucy Everett

Coaching established female business owners to get clarity, fulfilment & flexibility | Business Coaching done differently | Online Business Partner supporting female owned businesses since 2018


One of my fave guests you have had on your podcast!

Carlos Perdomo

🌟 Father | Impact-Driven | Project Leader | Innovation Enthusiast | Cultural Explorer | Creative Mind 🌟


Great interview.


Wow!!! A woman that looks and feels like me, kick the heels off and get the fashion trainers on!!! Not only was Holly an excellent guest with so much inspirational guidance, being so authentic with her struggles and just telling it how it is, but Steve is excellent...his constant "why?" Just gets to the heart of what's being said. Very enjoyable to listen to.

Phil Blackmore

Leading healthcare brands to see things not as they are but as they could be


Great article, can't wait to hear the whole episode.

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