Can we still win without pitching?
Blair Enns | Win Without Pitching

Can we still win without pitching?

Small Spark Theory® Episode 59: Blair Enns

There has been much written on the subject of agency new business, but I’m not sure there has been a book which has resonated so deeply with agency founders and new business practitioners alike, as the Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Enns.

So as we come to the end of another extraordinary year and the final episode of 2021, I wanted to chat with Blair about his reflections on the Manifesto, over a decade from its publication and his outlook for the year ahead.

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Do the proclamations set out in the book still apply in these altered economic times? And can we still gain traction with the value pricing approach in Pricing Creativity?

Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities ahead, and tackle a few listener questions!

This episode marks the 5-year anniversary of Small Spark Theory. So a heartfelt thank you from me to all of the listeners and guests who have been along for the ride so far. We’ll be back in the New Year with more guests and more marginal gains. In the meantime wishing you all a wonderful festive break. 

Also mentioned in this episode


Four Regrets You’re About to Have

Win Without Pitching

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Stéphane Harrison

Creative Director and Co-Founder, William Joseph


Nice one Lucy :-)

Kat Arney

Enabling world-changing bioscience innovations to become reality through impactful messaging and communications.



Cathy Lowe

Client Development Director, The Otherly // Innovation & Branding (Women-owned)


you don't do things by halves Lucy Mann!!

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