Currently, the richest 1% holds about 38% of all privately held wealth in the United States. while the bottom 90% held 73.2% of all debt. According to The New York Times, the richest 1 percent in the United States now owns more wealth than the bottom 90 percent.

The purchase or sale of a product or service whether it’s tangible or intangible, is how people and businesses make money. This is the most basic way to describe the fundamental working of capitalism.

All people participate in these product and service transactions, but 80% of the people do not benefit from this activity above the level of wage earner.

The cycle of capitalism is heavily dependent upon profits from transactions involving poor people. To ensure a small share of the pie for all those who contributed while it is being served, is a departure from the tradition of, relying on the crumbs that are tossed aside or fall from the table of rich people, dependency on government social net programs, non-profit organizations, charity, or joining the masses of working poor which is estimated to be 50% of the entire population.

After analyzing these realities with focus on the bigger picture and the well-being of society as a whole, it became obvious that the easiest way to reduce poverty and economic inequality is to create a system where all people including the unemployed, handicapped and disabled could participate in earning income from their purchasing activity. The question becomes is this idea economically feasible and would it provide enough income to effectively solve an economic or social problem. The answer is yes if it structured properly and done on a large scale. The same goes true for taxes,

A simple no-brainer concept has been developed by the founders of the United Shared Savings Network, that will literally level the income opportunity playing field for everyone, while creating  significant economic change for the betterment of society as a whole.

The United Shared Savings Network is a solution based on capitalism. Our goals are to, strengthen our economy, grow and stabilize the middle-class and  help bring those at the bottom to a point of existence sufficiently above the poverty level as well as provide them with opportunities for further advancement in society without having to rely on public assistance or resort to criminal behavior.

The basic idea of the United Shared Savings Network is to redirect a small percentage of purchasing activity back into the pockets of the consumers for them to invest as a group and spend again which adds to economic growth.

Some have characterized our unique version of this concept as self-perpetuating stimulus package that funds itself from something that everyone is already doing which turns the economic wheels of our nation and the world.

It is no secret that the United States Government plans to continue to reduce spending on social net programs. We plan to offset those reductions by providing a source of  income for economically disadvantaged households in a way that benefits everyone and contributes to economic growth. Traditional thinking has targeted Universal Basic Income as the answer, but logic dictates that nothing would change; because it would still need to be funded by taxpayer dollars and it would still be controlled, administered and regulated by the government instead of the private marketplace.

For simplicity purposes of understanding our revolutionary concept, I have limited the scope of this document to the purchase of groceries with Food Stamps; but keep in mind that cash back, reward and rebate deals are also available on other categories of products and services which will be included as well. 

We will accomplish our goal by using strategic partnerships with existing cash back, reward, rebate, and coupon programs already available in the marketplace from a number of reputable companies. The idea is not to compete, but add value to for everyone in the industry where everyone wins.  I can’t think of any company who would not want to give us a slightly larger discount on their products or services if we come to the table with over 21 million households who spend over 8 billion dollars every month on food alone, especially if it would address the problem of economic inequality and the recipients are classified as our nation’s poor and needy.

There are roughly 42.6 million people receiving government assistance for the purchase of food through a social net program called SNAP, previously known as Food Stamps.

The United States Department of Agriculture has statistics which show that there were 20.9 million households on food stamps in 2018.



The SNAP program currently distributes roughly 6.5 billion dollars per month in monetary benefits in the form of an EBT card or Food Stamps, but that is pretty much where it ends, except for the fact that it’s an ongoing expenditure of taxpayer dollars that keeps getting larger every year.

There has never been an effort to evaluate this program from an economic empowerment prospective where it could:

(1) Be used as a tool for the recipients to transition from financial dependence to independence

(2) Become perpetually self-funding; or

(3) Be decreased or eliminated over a period of time without a negative impact or sacrificing benefits to the recipients.

We have figured out a way to harness the economic power of poor people who depend on government assistance by using the $60.6 billion given out annually that is currently being spent in the marketplace on retail food transactions…and that’s just for starters.

The secret to success is that all Food Stamp and other purchasing activity must be utilized in such a way that allows the recipients to help each other go from financial dependence to independence and ensure they will not continually need government assistance to supply their basic everyday needs.

Our unique concept has the potential to drastically reduce or eliminate government dependency for food, shelter, transportation and I believe we can also include health care costs. 

Most people think this Utopian idea is not possible, but I assure you that it is by scaling our unique concept through collaboration and continuing to tweak our system with new technology as we grow.

Think for a moment about the 4.7 billion dollars a month being spent every month by the 42 million people in the United States on food stamps, the competitive retail marketplace on groceries where these transactions take place and recent trends in technology regarding the processing of electronic coupons into the form of cash-back to the consumer.

First you must think about discounts a little differently… not as savings, but instead as income.

According to the USDA the average monthly cost of food for I person is $294.00.  It is now easily possible to generate a minimum discount of 10% in the form of spendable cash from purchasing groceries through several reputable companies in the business of providing a platform to receive cash back and turn coupons into cash.   This equates to a cash flow of $29.40.  

When we multiply this 10% savings by the number of people on food stamps ($29.40 X 42 million) there is a total group savings of $1.2 billion per month which will be collected and deposited into a pool owned by the contributing members of United Shared Savings Network.

The magic happens when we take this pool of cash invest part of it for our members and equally distribute the profits as well as  re-distribute the non-invested balance it to all qualifying members on a straight line forced-matrix payout plan with a $2,500 cap on the maximum distribution per month per member. (Please note that the payout graduates up to $2500...it does not start there)

The payouts will be cycled and distributed once a month on an ongoing basis (details are currently proprietary information). The key is that everyone rises together, gets an opportunity to receive the maximum benefit and gives back on an even playing field where no one is left behind.

A critical part is getting people of the highest need in at the top instead of at the bottom or in-between.

Once people on Food Stamps and others living at or below the poverty level are enrolled, we will open up enrollment to anyone wishing to join. This strategy will allow all existing members to be gradually transformed from government dependence to independence and become active financial participants in eliminating poverty and reducing economic inequality.  Many of our members will get to a point of maximum benefit very quickly because of the rapid enrollment from a captive audience and payout cap. The concept is about people economically empowering each other, allowing everyone an opportunity to get to the top and giving back to others who will in return do the same. They will be stabilized at the maximum benefit level of $2,500 per month for one year and recycled through our proprietary payout plan as new members join. (Note: enrollment will also be available to people not on food stamps, but those who are, should be our first priority)

Our overall goal with this strategy is to place those in our society who currently live at or below the poverty level, in a financial position to:

(a) Work at low wage jobs and still live a decent life.

(b) Pursue education or higher education opportunities.

(b) Have the financial capacity to pursue their creative talents and business ideas.

(c) Get out of debt, improve their credit rating and increase their financing capabilities.

(d) Invest in financial products, economic assets and businesses that provide passive income and a secure future for their family.

(e) Invest in their local communities and help each other.

We strongly believe the outcome of our concept will greatly enhance society as a whole as we migrate into a new economy that works for everyone.

This simple idea will not need complicated government approvals or require our members to do anything different than their normal everyday purchasing activities to make it work.  It’s simply the power of duplication and collective activity, the logic of shared saving, the economic benefits of a tiered payout and the concept of businesses and people helping each other while helping themselves.

This project will effectively:

(a) Provide economic empowerment for tens of millions of needy people and families and re-position them as an asset rather than a liability to themselves, their families, our communities and government.  

(b) Rapidly reduce this nations income inequality and poverty problems.

(c) Effectively solve the problem of reducing government spending on social net programs

(d) Help grow & stabilize the middle-class

(d) Have a host of other great benefits for everyone in our society.  

This concept will work on the basis of retail transactions because:

(1) 100% of households in America engage daily in the purchase or consumption of food, products, goods and services.

(2) In the competitive marketplace for food, products, goods and services, there will always be discounts, coupons, rebates and cash back offers.   

(3) The success of the program is not tied to or dependent upon any particular product, good, service, supplier, brand or manufacturer.

Help us make the magic unfold for 42+ million Americans in need while changing our society and the world for the better for everyone.


Tyrone E. Thomas Jr.

CEO/ United Shared Savings Network

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