Conway's Law...

Conway's Law...

I wasn't aware of Conway's law before reading this article by @Sarah Novotny for (  

There are 5 key elements to the law and they are:

  • Put A Cap On Your Pizza Order: Create Small Teams - Using Jeff Bezos's rule of thumb no team should be bigger than 2 pizza's will feed. This has been echoed to me by one of my team leads. Our scrum team at the moment is almost 10 people and it's too big.
  • Identify And Empower Pioneers - We saw this to be true with one of my teams. Our senior leadership handed a project off to us as a carve out from the massive infrastructure that is PlayStation Network. It helped us grown and succeed and it empowered the other side of our organization to focus on other core technologies.
  • Reinforce The Mission
  • Build A High-Trust Culture - This is something I work on continiously, let my teams make core decisions without my thumb on them. Obviously there are organizational contraints that must be adheared to but once those are identified giving the teams the authority to run on their own.
  • Take It Slow

The general principles are, of course, not new but seem to be forgotten as we focus on delivering as fast as we can for our stake holders and customers.

It's worth the short read that it is.

Rahul Sawhney

Leading top software development teams | Amazon


Thanks for sharing! In search for getting more done for less, a lot of us often forget these points, and produce counter-acting results & end up making excuses + supporting those choices even more (falling into a trap). One way to avoid that is to keep a sharp focus and regularly practice of these basics.

Dennis Velco

Be. Do. Grow. US Army Veteran.


I clicked away at the first law... but was hopeful for meaningful content and clicked back. It's about basic team building... I respect that. Not everyone in this age gets that. We must also encode that so it gets passed on. Fun is also part of creativity and advancements in all realms. Technology.. Art.. Society... we cannot over look the fun that this life is suppose to be and take part.


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