Dodgem Dreams Can Come True

Dodgem Dreams Can Come True

How many people, like me have looked at the fairground Dodgems and thought that, despite the logistical issues an electrical grid system over the UK’s roads could work? Or was it the euphoria of having escaped the Mario-kart experience intact and the sugar high of candy floss? Moreover, many will have at some time played with Scalextrics (other brands available) and thought this could work.

Well news today that this might not be a pipe dream! We are aware that electric cars are becoming increasingly more popular, with total sales of plug-in cars rising from 1,082 in 2011 to 36,907 in 2016, but the question mark has always been range and charging availability.

As of January 2017 the UK had 11,837 public charging points at 4,237 locations, of which 2,173 were rapid charging points at 695 locations, almost half that of Petrol Stations. However, unlike petrol (or diesel) cars you can charge at home! Whilst charging points are on the increase range seems to be staying put at around 100 miles, although The electric car market is rapidly evolving. Tesla Motors has said its upcoming Model 3 will go more than 200 miles on a single charge; and the Chevrolet Bolt has an advertised range of 238 miles. The 100 mile average is not a massive worry though, given that most people drive less than 60 miles a day.

What the worry has been though, is how practical are they for the family holiday or longer drives to see family and friends?

No one really enjoys a long drive, but the experience is clearly lessened when you have to plan when you are going to run out of juice and if you’ll be near one of the 4,237 locations when you do. For example, as Holiday destinations go Cornwall is popular and the scenic A303 is a lovely route, but when the charging points on this road are 97.9 miles apart even the most frugal driver is going to panic!

Nil Desperandum however, as news today that this might not be a forever problem; researchers from Stanford University stating they have developed a method of delivering electric charge to moving objects, namely cars. And whilst the technology is in its infancy, the connotations are astounding.

There is the potential to imbed in to the UK’s roads transference coils to deliver a charge to vehicles as they pass over or by. Scalextrics on a 1:1 ratio has become a reality. Cost implications are massive, and a real spike in plug-in car sales numbers would be needed to consider it, however as questions are raised about oil prices, sustainability and the environment, this reality could be pushed to the forefront of the Automotive agenda.

All we’ll be lacking in the Scalextrics model is to be able to build our own roads to our destination and a skirting board to bump into when we fly off the track.

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