Eight Qualities of a Great Sales Leader

Groene Consulting is celebrating the start of it's 20th year this November! Some of you have been with me from the beginning and I am truly grateful.

I started the business as a sales consultant and it morphed into lots of other things. Two business women early on asked me to be their sales coach and that turned into my sales coaching practice along with my consulting. Then I developed the business devolvement training component which lead to writing my sales book-Picture Yourself & the Life You Want -- which lead me to do radio and TV interviews all over the country!

All along the way my sales coaching platform remains the center piece of my business. I love helping salespeople improve their 'game' and strategies market facing. Over the years, I have encountered many sales people with amazing innate skills and strengths that I am pleased to hone and when necessary, redirect. I meet some reps who have overcome many obstacles to become superb deal doers....and everyone in between.

Years ago I put together a list of qualities that I thought made up the consummate sales leader and they still hold up in today's competitive marketplace. Here are those qualities below for you to review to see how you measure up.

Thanks to all of you who have trusted me to be your sales coach and sales trainer!

1. Desire

a. You have to want it

b. Passion for your industry

c. Ambition to succeed

2. Good Mentors

a. People to emulate

b. Successful leaders

c. People to tell you the truth

d. Surround yourself with winners

e. Give back

3. Skill to Adapt

a. Learn from success

b. Learn from failure

c. Ability and desire to accept and deal with change

d. Understand and embrace your weaknesses

e. Grow and mature in the process

4. Team Player

a. Care about the people that you work with

b. Care about your clients

c. Say Thank You! OFTEN!

d. Be proud of your company

5. Focus

a. Stay focused on the goal – your goals

b. Get re-focused when hurdles come

c. Keep a positive attitude

6. Persistence

a. Stay in the game

b. Keep working on your prospects

c. Keep prospecting

d. Be persistent – short term and long term

e. Use positive things/people to get you to the next place

f. Don't give up

7. Believe in Yourself

a. Fake it at first if you have to

b. Celebrate wins

c. Use your strengths

d. No negative talk

8. Desire is Imperative to Your Success!

a. It all comes down to desire

b. Desire can help us overcome all obstacles!

Rita Landreth

Business Development Director at V3 Printing


Leslie, congratulations on your anniversary. You are a rock star. All who have had the privilege of receiving your training are better for it.

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