Free Yourself from the Toxic Employer

Free Yourself from the Toxic Employer

Toxic Employers- How do we recognize when it is time to free ourselves from these environments? Unfortunately, I have plenty of experience in the matter.

That gut wrenching, stomach hurling, feeling that many of us know so well, yet learn to quite literally "stomach."

I know many of us try to "stick it out" for as long as we can, because.. well, we have bills to pay.

The Pre-Pandemic recruiter in me would advise candidates to never quit without a back up plan. Or a new role lined up. It is easier to negotiate, and obviously the safer option.

However, in light, of some of my own personal experience with toxic employers, my thoughts on this have evolved quite a bit.

We should never sacrifice our health, whether that be mental or physical for our career.

Our health, is never up for negotiation. No career should ever take that from you.

In my past, I have been in some uniquely backwards environments. Weirdly, I don't regret them. I think they help you to recognize and be grateful for the good employer.

And to appreciate when you finally find that home. The career that feels like you have arrived at that safe harbor, can take off the shoes.. rest your head, and stay awhile. It takes a lot of bad bosses, and bad companies to get there. But you will find it.

At one point in my career, I felt myself becoming increasingly bitter. It was a sign my time with that employer had come to an end. Life is too short to sit at family dinners wallowing over your mashed potatoes.

"When a workplace becomes toxic, its poison spreads beyond its walls and into the lives of its workers and their families.” - Gary Chapman,

In my past experiences I've had some tough pills to swallow, such as:

Year-over-year the worst producer on the team was complimented. She was chosen for new opportunities, and even promoted. It made zero sense to any of us, as our metrics and performance was our only measure for success. And the promotion did not line up with the results/numbers. In fact, it was quite literally a slap in the face to all of the others working incredibly hard, with better results, yet nothing to show for it.

If you are experiencing this type of unfair, no clear path to promotion, it is probably time to leave. I'd like to say that they will notice you, or all of a sudden it will make sense and just to wait it out.... but honestly, I don't believe that to be true. Don't wait, if they aren't picking up on your value now, they most likely never will.

Please remember, this particular colleague is not to blame. They simply fit in better with this specific environment. An environment that works for some does not work for all. And if growth is what you want...there is plenty out there! Go get it!

The right environment and company is out there waiting for you, and is going to absolutely love the hunger and fire you bring to the table.

Here are a few other noteworthy signs you are working in a toxic environment:

  1. You regularly experience burn out/dread as it relates to work.
  2. The workplace is unhealthy with colleagues/leaders consistently putting down or insulting others.
  3. Promotions are confusing, no clear path, or explanation as to why someone received a promotion, or clear steps on how to get one.
  4. The environment does not encourage growth, or foster challenge.
  5. Constantly having to take the heat, or accept accountability for leaders dropping the ball, which in turn impacts your own work.

Now, as you finish this article and think, "all of this feels like me... my employer is toxic."

I'd personally like to congratulate you because acknowledging toxicity is the first step.

But now things are about to get really fun.... your next chapter. Go free yourself, and put that smile back on your face. It is still there, it just hasn't been used in awhile.

"Caged birds, sing of freedom, free birds fly." -Thorolf Rafto

I hope you make the decision to fly free. And please, tell me where you land.

Totally agree Carolyn- and to help pay it forward- we have also built an employer rating platform that is focused on collecting exactly these kind of insight so others can inform themselves before accepting a role and bring transparency on toxic practices. Leave a review at and pay it forward!

Jake Brown

Author : Speaker : Coach for Creatives & Problem Solvers : Business Made Simple, StoryBrand, Full Focus Pro, LEGO Serious Play


Lived this for too many years. I survived and wrote the book. LEADERSHIT: Survivng a Bad Boss. If you know someone struggling to survive a bad boss, Have them reach out. Grab a free sample of the book at

mohamed derouich

Chef de chantier chez


Could you send me

Great article with so many good points. Thank you for sharing! We are all in control of our own destiny. Sometimes when you are caught up in the middle of it, trying to survive another day, it is hard to see we all have a choice. Who cares what they are all gossiping about?


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