Getting Comfortable Living With Uncertainty!

Whether we like it or not, people crave it!

What am I talking about....

The need for CERTAINTY! 😲

The desire to know that everything will work out before committing to it.

Of course, we all need certainty in our lives to an extent, the problem is when it dictates the decisions you make. Staying in a job you don't like, a relationship that doesn't serve you, gaining qualification after qualification, taking the path that seems most certain, even if it's not the one you really want.

Most people spend their whole lives looking for certainty outside of themselves, relying on external circumstances.

The problem... that's not where it exists!

So what is uncertainty really? 🤷

The answer; self-doubt or a lack of self-worth in your abilities to make things turn out the way you want them to, and deal with the changing conditions along the way.

Let's face it, we've all had things that we felt certain about in our lives that were taken away without warning. Whether it was a job, a relationship, money because the truth is that they were never really within our control anyway. 

The only way to create real certainty is from within 🙏

If you truly believed that you couldn’t fail, then you’d be certain to find a way. 

So how do you get comfortable living with uncertainty? 🤔

  • First, you have to know... become aware of the patterns you are running. Ask yourself, what am I doing to avoid feeling uncertain, insecure, unstable?
  • It takes time... accept that it will take practice to get comfortable living with uncertainty. Giving up when results aren't instantaneous will only lead to feeling even more uncertain.
  • Make it your mission... embrace uncertainty, look for it in small ways first. It's great fun when you notice how your need for certainty becomes less.
  • Set an intention... intention is a powerful thing when doing it right! More on that next week 😉

To discover more about how you can get comfortable living with uncertainty, listen to this week's podcast. We discuss why people crave certainty, the consequences of that, and how to let go and trust 🙌

The more you let go and trust in the life, the better the life you will live.

Enjoy an uncertain week of surprises!

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