Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

To all those we know in many different lands, we all have much to be Thankful for this week.

Some have lost and suffered much. Some less than others. But we all have lost in our own way. Yet we are still here.

Two feet planted firmly walking forward facing a new tomorrow.

Hard as that is, we still walk forward. Never stop though we may falter.

We have people who care about us even if we don't know them, and that we care about, even if it is just a name on the screen from half a world away.

We are Thankful!

To know so many, and help where we can. That is a calling, a mission, a purpose. Thankful to have one when so many have lost theirs.

As we go forward we must remember this.

We may not have chosen this place, this time, this situation. But, we are, never the less, here in this present.

And to be here at all is to be thankful that we can and are.

As Thanksgiving comes this week, we may not be surrounded by family, yet we are surrounded by the family of humanity. Some good, some bad, some wise, and some fools. But all humans.

But this is the special connection we all share.

Have hope for a better tomorrow and a brighter future.

It is there. Right in front of us.

For some near at hand, and others more distant. But this is the unique quality we all share. The unique binding that makes us all human.

In this holiday season that comes, much will be difficult.

But hold fast to that hope, for that is something no one can ever take from you.

From all of Us, to all of You ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D.

Miami, Florida, U.S.A., Earth!


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