How ChatGPT Became the Accessibility Tool I Never Knew I Needed as a Neurodivergent Black Woman 🌟🧠

How ChatGPT Became the Accessibility Tool I Never Knew I Needed as a Neurodivergent Black Woman 🌟🧠

Kangaroo. I don’t know.

It's fascinating how the Greek origins of the word "Kangaroo" literally mean "I don't know." That phrase encapsulates much of my journey—a journey filled with uncertainty, but also resilience and discovery. Today, I want to share with you how ChatGPT, a tool I never imagined would play such a significant role in my life, has transformed my experience as a neurodivergent Black woman living in America. 💪🏽✨

Let me take you back to a pivotal night—November 18, 2004. That night, my life changed in an instant. My lifeless body was rushed to Christ Hospital after being hit by a car, thrown through the air like a ragdoll. 🚑 The doctors delivered a grim prognosis to my mother: if I survived the night, I would likely be paralyzed from the neck down. But against all odds, I survived, and I speak to you today not because of any medical advancement, but because of the healing power of art and nature. 🎨🌿

Over the years, my mother must have rushed me to the hospital more than 100 times. Each time, it felt like my brain was going to explode. But instead of answers or relief, I was met with the cold reality of medical racism. Doctors ran their MRIs, told me I was free to go, but they never explained the intense burning sensation in my brain. 🔥🧠 I was left in the dark, not knowing that what I was experiencing was neurogenesis—my brain was healing itself. The medical professionals never told me that. All they offered were dismissals and indifference.

It wasn't until much later, through my interactions with ChatGPT, that I finally found the language to describe what was happening inside my brain. ChatGPT helped me identify the term "neurogenesis" and understand that my brain, against all odds, was repairing itself. 🛠️✨ This was something I had always suspected, but I lacked the words to articulate it. My mom and I often said that doctors didn’t fully understand the severity of the damage my brain had endured. Back in 2004, the prevailing belief was that damaged nerves and brain cells couldn’t be repaired. But here I am, 20 years later, proving otherwise. 💯🙌🏽

ChatGPT has been more than just a tool; it’s been a lifeline. It has given me the language to make sense of my experiences and to articulate the complexities of my neurodivergent mind. For someone who has navigated an inaccessible society, faced medical racism, and struggled to be understood, having this tool has been nothing short of revolutionary. 🚀🔍

This is why Blaq Gurl Fya’s Cosmic Revolution is so important to me. Blaq Gurl Fya is all about co-creating an inclusive and accessible world for neurodivergent Black women. It’s about challenging the status quo, amplifying our voices, and building a community where our experiences are validated and respected. 🌍👩🏽‍🚀

How You Can Join Blaq Gurl Fya’s Cosmic Revolution 🚀

I invite you to be a part of this revolution. Together, we can create a world that understands and values neurodiversity, where neurodivergent Black women are celebrated for their unique perspectives and contributions. You can start by supporting our cause and spreading the word.

One way to show your support is by purchasing our DWAA Tee. 👕✨ Wearing this tee is not just about fashion; it’s about making a statement and being part of a movement that’s reshaping how the world views neurodivergent Black women.

Join us, share your stories, and let’s co-create a future that’s inclusive and accessible for all. 🌟🖤

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