How Recruiters Save You Time by John
Recruiters (like us) save you time and the headache of hiring!

How Recruiters Save You Time by John

You've probably asked yourself "Why should I work with a recruiter?"

What if there were an option that allowed you to continue focusing on your responsibilities while also moving strong candidates through the interview process? 

Imagine only reviewing resumes from highly qualified candidates that have already been pre-screened with your specific criteria in mind. That’s where a recruiting firm comes in! 

When it comes to your business, our experience has shown that it is often the hiring process that gets sidelined. As desperately as your team might be to fill pivotal positions, there aren’t enough resources to efficiently organize the hiring process. Between managing your candidate pipeline, interviewing, reviewing assignments, writing job descriptions, scheduling… It’s a lot! You know that you need these hires to continue growing, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day to maintain your current responsibilities and spend hours poring through resumes. 

We know you’re busy!

When we partner with you, we learn about your company culture, your hiring needs and priorities, as well as the specifics around each position (key responsibilities, amount of experience, day-to-day tasks, etc).  

Armed with all of this information, we utilize our extensive network of talent to find the profile that was created by the hiring managers. When we find a good match, we interview them to better understand their experience, projects they’ve worked on, results they’ve delivered, as well as what their career goals are and what type of culture they want to be part of. 

This holistic approach helps to filter out people that don’t have the right skillset or culture fit so you are only reviewing resumes that are a close match to your ideal candidate. 

Our aim is to customize our approach to your needs and processes so that we truly become a partner in your search for the right talent. This partnership has proven time and time again to not only save you time, money, and resources, but to also find ‘unicorn’ candidates that you may have stopped believing existed.  

And who doesn't want a team of unicorns exceeding your business goals?

Ready to recruit for your company?

We offer a range of services from contingency-based recruiting to full service recruiting and even have retainer options. Contact us today here on linkedin or on our website!

#boisebusiness #idahome #montana #missoula

Jessica Cafferty

Founder and President at Route Networking Group


Love this! Great job, John Hosmer!

Why wouldn't ya want to work with us????

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