Intuitive Connect 2024: Transforming surgery together. Again.

Intuitive Connect 2024: Transforming surgery together. Again.

This April, nearly 2,000 surgeons and hospital executives from around the world came together in Las Vegas, Nevada, for Intuitive Connect 2024.

The weeklong conference’s theme centered on transforming surgery. It served to celebrate Intuitive’s 29 years of innovation and the launch of da Vinci 5—our most advanced and integrated system, ever. Hallways and ballrooms were buzzing with surgeons literally connecting. Colleagues, old classmates, mentors, and mentees caught up and attended sessions—all hungry to learn together.

Surgeons from varying specialties waited in queues to test drive da Vinci 5, da Vinci SP, da Vinci Xi, and the Ion endoluminal system. They experimented with virtual reality learning, evaluated their posture at an ergonomics station, and even had the opportunity to walk down memory lane with a History of Intuitive exhibit that transported people through time: from the da Vinci Standard to da Vinci 5. Surgeons and leaders from the Asia-Pacific region were present to participate in and learn from each other in the Asia Clinical Forum hosted by Intuitive’s APAC team.

There was a healthy mix of content ranging from clinical presentations and lively panels to executive keynotes and live surgeries. Attendees were teeming with curiosity, connection, nostalgia, and excitement for what’s to come. Here are some of our favorite moments.

Wave one: thoracic, gynecology, and urology

The conference kicked off with our thoracic, thoracic oncology, gynecology, and urology tracks, where surgeons discussed the challenges they face and the opportunities they see ahead. In the thoracic sessions, surgeons and interventional pulmonologists faced the challenge of low screening and survival rates for lung cancer head-on.

On his excitement about Intuitive Ion, Dr. Juan Escalon, MD, a thoracic surgeon at Orlando Medical Regional Center, shared, “We used to be concerned about whether or not we should attempt to biopsy. Now with Ion we know we can get to nodules, even in the most difficult places, so it’s not a question.” Pulmonologists and da Vinci surgeons spoke passionately about the topic of partnership—with each other, with their hospital leaders, and with Intuitive.

  “We used to be concerned about whether or not we should attempt to biopsy. Now with Ion we know we can get to nodules, even in the most difficult places, so it’s no longer a question.” — Juan Escalon, MD, Orlando Health

In both the urology and gynecology sessions, physicians discussed the ability to access and leverage data through the My Intuitive app with Case Insights, which uses da Vinci system data, kinematic movement data, and AI video analysis to extract objective insights. On that subject, Dr. Jessica Hunn, MD, a gynecologic oncology surgeon at Valley Women’s Health, noted, “Gathering data is so important when you’re building your practice—your program. But do you actually know what your costs are? What your value is? It speaks volumes to show your numbers. It gives you power. And Intuitive is there to help us with all of it.”

  “Gathering data is so important when you’re building your practice—your program. But do you actually know what your costs are? What your value is? It speaks volumes to show your numbers. It gives you power. And Intuitive is there to help us with all of it.” — Jessica Hunn, MD, Valley Women's Health 

The benefit of data wasn’t the only hot topic. Surgeons were optimistic about gaining heightened senses with da Vinci 5. Dr. Michael D. Stifelman, MD, a urology surgeon at Hackensack University Medical Center, shared, “In one week with da Vinci 5, we’ve become much more efficient, our vision capability has increased, and we’ve already benefitted from Case Insights. We get much better with access to our data.”

  “In one week with da Vinci 5, we’ve become much more efficient, our vision capability has increased, and we’ve already benefitted from Case Insights. We get much better with access to our data.” — Michael D. Stifelman, MD, Hackensack University Medical Center 

Wave two: bariatric, colorectal, and hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB)

On the second day of Connect, bariatric, colorectal, and HPB surgeons joined us. Surgeons came together for a keynote by Intuitive President Dave Rosa, who talked about Intuitive’s history, our mission of advancing what’s possible in minimally invasive care, and our driving force of always believing there’s a better way. 

The keynote was followed by a fireside chat with surgeons from across specialties. There, each discussed what they’re most looking forward to and the opportunities they see for da Vinci 5 to transform surgery. The day continued with groups breaking out by specialty—each track including live surgery and panel discussions.

“With da Vinci 5, you have all the control right in front of you." — Sharona B. Ross, MD, FACS, AdventHealth Tampa 

Dr. Sharona Ross, MD, FACS, an HPB surgeon at AdventHealth, who presented and moderated sessions in the HPB track, shared the sense of control she feels when operating with da Vinci 5. "I'm all about control in the OR. In the OR, there are so many moving parts. I don't want to rely on nurses every time I need something. Let's decrease the insufflation. Let's increase the energy. What's my energy on? I'm relying on a lot of people. With da Vinci 5, you have all the control right in front of you."

In conversation with Dr. Sachin Kukreja, MD, a general and bariatric surgeon at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery, he spoke about the concept of a data revolution and the lifelong journey of learning that surgeons should lean into. He noted, “Every time we do an operation, we're going to learn something. Ultimately, that encyclopedia—that database—is all going to be put together to teach us something about not just what we do, but maybe what we should do in surgery.” 

Wave three: general surgery

General surgeons closed out the week, and day three kicked off with a keynote by Intuitive Vice President of Global Corporate and US Marketing Jason Hart. He inspired the crowd with a reminder that while surgery has always improved bit by bit, every once in a while, something truly transformational happens. Da Vinci 5 is one such transformation. He spoke of innovation for the sake of patient outcomes and how da Vinci 5 can solve today’s challenges for tomorrow’s clinical, operational, and economic needs.

 “Da Vinci 5 will allow us for the first time to take a very subjective, difficult-to-define understanding of what makes a surgeon good and turn it into something that is quantitative.” — Douglas Stoddard, MD, Christus Health System

General surgeons were just as enthusiastic about da Vinci 5, and the data it provides, as all preceding specialties. In a conversation with Dr. Douglas Stoddard, MD, a general surgeon at Christus Health System, he spoke optimistically about the ability to utilize millions of data points per operation across hospitals and hospital systems. He shared, “Da Vinci 5 will allow us for the first time to take a very subjective, difficult-to-define understanding of what makes a surgeon good and turn it into something that is quantitative.”

There’s always a better way

Intuitive will never stop innovating by listening, observing, learning, and building. We design with the end in mind, always believing that there’s a better way. It’s a belief we share with our customers—the lifelong learners always looking to improve themselves for better patient outcomes.

Dr. Laila Rashidi, MD, FACS, a colorectal surgeon at MultiCare Health System, shared, “I learned that no matter how many cases you do, you can always get better.” The sentiment was felt viscerally throughout the week—as surgeons packed into ballrooms and buzzed around the systems hall. We’re on a journey to transform surgery together, again. Intuitive Connect 2024 was one for the books. And we’re just getting started.

Jason Hart

Vice President, Global and US Marketing at Intuitive


Thank you to the attendees, and the incredible faculty for your commitment and vision to transform surgery together.

Really great recap of an absolutely amazing event.

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