Its Half Time @ OXFORD
Meeting with the Indian High Commissioner

Its Half Time @ OXFORD

Sea Containers- WPP Campus in London

I landed in London and subsequently in Oxford on 18th September, excited like a child with a hint of anxiousness and the fear of the unknown. Also the thought of being away from home compounded by the fact, I was going to miss two landmark moments -my younger brothers wedding and my daughters 13th birthday- yet to come. After passing through a few teething issues across personal and professional spectrum, I’ve been in a very happy place ,loving every moment and looking forward to whats to come .

As I’ve reached mid-point of the program, I wanted to share my learnings and experiences which may resonate with you.


In 2019 I had started feeling the itch and the need to get out of my comfort zone. I had been working non-stop since 2003 and wanted to take a break from the routine. What I wanted to do wasnt clear to me, so I spoke to my father, my “go to” person when I feel stuck or confused, in professional sphere. Dad very promptly suggested that I should consider upgrading skillsets in areas I feel deeply passionate about and look for an on campus short program in an institution of great repute. My father is a great believer in power of education and also where it's pursued (given his own impeccable academic and professional credentials). He did the groundwork and gave me a list of 10 top global universities with courses that I should consider pursuing. Oxford too was on the list and I was excited but it seemed like a far-fetched dream. In 2019 I wrote the application for a program that I really wanted to do in Oxford- It was a 3 month fellowship on leadership and excellence hosted by Chevening at Foreign and Commonwealth Development office. Unfortunately I did not clear the first round and later it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because 2020 program had to be cancelled owing to COVID19. And to be honest, after a few days of disappointment, I forgot and got busy with my new role (Chief Culture Officer) at WPP in India that commenced from March 1st in 2020. It was also a challenging time given the pandemic and its impact on lives. In 2022, I started thinking about applying again when things got better and life seemed more settled.

And here I am writing this memoir from Oxford.


Education does not come with the time stamp and there is no better time than NOW to pursue what you wish and aspire for. Many of my friends and colleagues have been telling me how proud they are for I’ve chosen to pursue my dream of studying at this juncture in my life. Funnily for me, age was never a point of discussion or confusion that restricted my desire to study. Infact if anything, I was proud of myself. It was also important that I set an example for my daughter who should know that age can never be a barrier to chase your dreams and education can be pursued at any time in life when you are ready for it. All it needs is an undying passion to chase the dream, quiet determination and focused mind.


I am pursuing the Gurukul Fellowship for Leadership and Excellence of Chevening Awards supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office for India and has run for more than2 decades now. The fellowship is aimed at career professionals from diverse backgrounds with strong and demonstrable leadership potential and addresses issues faced by leaders in all fields and explores changing ideas and practices of leadership, looking at the implications of globalisation for Indian leaders. The fellowship is hosted by Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford at the University of Oxford and our host college is St Cross College, Oxford. In the last 6 weeks ,the program has covered a very diverse range of topics that don’t necessarily connect to the work I do back home and thats what I love about this program and its design. It is constantly stretching the mind, making me read so much, staying curious, asking questions and in the process I am gaining knowledge on a wide range of subjects from geopolitics to Ukraine Russia war from climate change to state and digitization and the list goes on. I enjoy most of the sessions and I participate rather actively. Also these classes have been a great platform to showcase the work that happens in my organisation and I’ve often experienced pride being the voice of the organisation in these sessions.


Most classes/visits have speakers who come with great credentials from the government, academia and private sector. We’ve met the state secretary of defence ,Indian High Commissioner, Global Policy Lead of World Bank and the list is endless. Initially I felt slightly intimidated but thanks to our program director and the cohort- it’s been fascinating to strike conversations with such a diverse but very accomplished range of speakers. The speakers also are very respectful and appreciative of our professional credentials and achievements and always very keen to hear our perspectives and opinions. As part of the program , I am expected to work on a project based on relevance for the organisation or the larger industry and my interest. I’ve consciously chosen two areas which can be provocative and uncomfortable but of relevance and contextual too. I am looking at how can Artificial Intelligence be deployed in a way that promotes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, both internally within the organisation and externally through the work we do for our clients. The topic itself hold so much relevance amongst the academia here in Oxford and is often discussed in classes in multiple contexts. I’ve been assigned a Project Mentor, Vicki Nash -Director of Oxford Internet institute who has been an incredible support, advising and

Visit to the House of Lords

guiding me on the topic. And given that AI is increasingly gaining importance in my own organisation, I have been fortunate to get support from my colleagues to ensure my project is of value and application to WPP.


Anyone who knows me well, should know that I am an extremely social, outgoing and a fun person. I am making mist of the limited time I’ve got here. Exploring new cities, making new friends, checking a new bar

Driving to Cotswold

every day, driving along the countryside, punting on oxford, dealing with strange people, sharing a house, the list is endless. From enjoying a musical in London to trekking in Ireland, from driving along the countryside to visiting manors and castles, I am packing as much as I can. Richard Bryant our program director is one of the finest human beings I’ve met and known and he has helped us experience this program in a way that I’ll never forget. Oxford is an extremely charming little town with 35 plus colleges ,6 university departments, a few museums and many bars and in my quest to know the town as much as I can, I enjoy cycling and walking around it. I also love going back to London as often as I can to meet friends, watch theatre and sometimes shop. Thanks to Lisette Danesi I got to spend time at the Sea Containers and can't wait to go back to meet the larger team in November.

It’s hard to articulate how these 11 weeks would have impacted me but I am certain these 11 weeks have been a gift which I will cherish for life. I wouldn’t be here in oxford if it wasn’t for the support of my family ,friends and my colleagues at work. Hard to acknowledge so many but you know who you are.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office St Cross College, Oxford Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford WPP Richard Barlow Supriya Chawla Vicki Nash

Photoshoot with Rory Carnegie

Nirali Kartik

Brand Ambassador of Taj Mahal Tea, Hindustani Classical Vocalist, MaatiBaani


Beautiful !! Dads are the best ! ☺️

Ghouse Basha

site engineer at keas control systems




All the headlines hold true Apoorva Bapna Never give up on your dreams indeed! Hope more adventure is waiting for you in the second phase of this fantastic journey.

Prema Sagar

Chairperson Emeritus, Burson Group India at Burson Genesis. Founder Trustee at Genesis Foundation.


Hello. Wonderful.

Nicholas Goldstiver Short

APAC Communications Lead @ WPP


Love this!


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