Job Seeker Bulletin: The Case of the Missing LinkedIn Photo

Job Seeker Bulletin: The Case of the Missing LinkedIn Photo

Updated: August 24, 2019

You are a Recruiter and you want to take a look at a potential candidate’s LinkedIn Profile. Oh, the candidate does not have a photo. You still like what you read on the profile, but would like that initial visual connection. That's because you will not need to wonder what that person will look like when you do have a meeting - if it gets to that point. But, wait a minute. You don’t have a photo either.

You are an HR Manager or Hiring Manager in the same situation. Do you care if the job seeker has a photo?

And, as a job seeker, do you want to make sure that your photo is in place on your LinkedIn Profile so that you can be easily recognized by an interviewer?

How important is this to you? Not very?

Well, I have to say that it has become very important to me. Why? Because I cannot see you, I view a connection with you as one without enough transparency.

Because if you contact me via LinkedIn, I view this as our first meeting. And when I “meet” you on LinkedIn, it’s like any type of meeting. I want to see who I am “meeting” because when I can see your photo you become human to me. You are not just a bunch of words on the page.

If your photo isn’t on your LinkedIn Profile, I wonder why it isn’t…

  • Haven’t had time?
  • Don’t realize that you may be viewed as not having a completed profile?
  • Don’t know that you may be viewed as not caring enough to let others see who you are?

Well, the picture really shouldn’t matter, should it? You should be judged on your thoughts, and character.

When you don’t have a photo, I wonder if you are really a person or someone who is misusing LinkedIn. That might not be fair, but that’s what runs through my mind. You are a mystery to me. If I can't see your photo, I will NEVER accept your invitation in the virtual world unless one of the following has occurred:

  • We have met in the "real" world.
  • We have met in the virtual world. You have sent an email or called about a potential career opportunity.
  • I view your profile, and your work history is detailed, endorsements are solid, and there are recommendations from co-workers.

Would you meet someone with a bag over your head in the "real" world?

Of course not.

So why is it acceptable to have a “bag over your head” on LinkedIn?

Time to get that photo in place.

Note: Your feedback is always welcome - what is your point of view?

Photo from

To easily find other articles in the Job Seeker Bulletin series, click here.

Robert Ridley

Database Associate at a Cincinnati Nonprofit


What she said. It might still be advantageous in some cases to not include a photo if you are not white and are looking for a job.

Dindy Robinson, MPA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CLRP

Director of Compensation & Employment at Lamar University


A lot of times people do not want to post their pictures on LinkedIn because it can reveal information about them that they may not want recruiters to know-- age, ethnicity, disability status, etc. I don't hold it against someone if they don't post a picture of themselves. I am more concerned about what their profile says about their accomplishments than about what they look like.

Gail DeBole Not Currently Seeking Employment

Focused on Achieving Your Documentation Goals


Thanks to all who took the time to read this post!


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